During the DUBUS EME contest on 1296MHz I worked on 26 May I1NDP, TK/DL1YMK(#111, DXCC #36), K2UYH, OK1DFC, SV1BTR, G4CCH, N4PZ, CT1DMK(#112 DXCC
#37), N2UO, F5SE/P(#113), VE6TA, G3LTF, WA6PY, VK3UM, JA6AHB. On 27 May worked SP6JLW, ES5PC, LZ2US, OZ4MM, HB9SV, F2TU, DL3EBJ (#114), PA3DZL(#115), PY2BS
(#116, DXCC #38) . The most stations I have ever worked on a weekend on 1296MHz
QRV on 13cm EME for TK/DL1YMK expedition on May 19, heard them but they went QRT for gales,
Worked ON4TA (#48, DXCC #30) G4CCH, K5GW (CW), G4DDK and then K5GW on
SSB for 1st ever 13cm SSB QSO.
On May 20 worked Michael TK/DL1YMK (#49,
DXCC#31)LZ1DX (#50, DXCC#32) and VE6TA.
Severe QSB on 1296MHz but worked I1NDP for new initialsonCW (#110),
JT65 (#32, DXCC #16) and even SSB (#3). It was not until after
this QSO I realised that when I had changed from 13cm to 23cm I had put the 9cm
preamp on the dish! Signals must have been good!