Thursday 13 August 2020

BATC 2020 146/437MHz Contest

 BATC announced a dual band 146/437 Dualband DATV contest on August 8/9 . Dorstone IO82LB was the obvious choice but due to other commitments only operation on Sunday 9th was possible. As G3UKV would be out portable on 5GHz FMTV equipment for that band was also taken

G8GKQ/P was easily worked on both 2m and 70cm IO81UC 118km. I could see his 5GHz FMTV signal but he could not copy my 8W signal.

My signals were successfully received by G3VKV (IO81XV) at 71km

M0YDH/P (IO82QL) was worked on both bands  along with G3UKV/P at the same site on 5GHz FMTV at 54km

G4CBW/P (IO93AD) was worked easily on 432MHz but it took 25 minutes to complete the QSO on 2m due to QSB at 141km

Finally my signals on both bands were received by G4NZV (IO82WA) at 63km. An interesting outing

The equipment on 144MHz was a Portsdown 2019+ 30W Mitsubishi brick to a 9 element portable tonna at 4m. On 437 MHz a Portsdown 2019 + Mitsubishi 7W brick + 400W LDMOS amp into a 21 element Tonna at 5m

The results  were subsequently published and came as a bit of a surprise with a win and a trophy!