Monday 28 May 2012

May 26/27 EME activity

During the DUBUS EME contest on 1296MHz I  worked  on 26 May I1NDP, TK/DL1YMK(#111, DXCC #36),  K2UYH, OK1DFC, SV1BTR, G4CCH, N4PZ, CT1DMK(#112  DXCC #37), N2UO, F5SE/P(#113), VE6TA, G3LTF, WA6PY, VK3UM, JA6AHB. On 27 May worked SP6JLW, ES5PC, LZ2US, OZ4MM, HB9SV, F2TU, DL3EBJ (#114), PA3DZL(#115), PY2BS (#116, DXCC #38) . The most stations I have ever worked on a weekend on 1296MHz

1296 EME Shack (The garage, max 110deg F)

Working VK3UM

Monday 21 May 2012

May 19/20 EME Activity

QRV on 13cm EME for TK/DL1YMK expedition on May 19,  heard them but they went QRT for gales, Worked ON4TA (#48, DXCC #30)  G4CCH,  K5GW (CW), G4DDK and then K5GW on SSB for 1st ever 13cm SSB QSO.

On May 20 worked Michael TK/DL1YMK (#49, DXCC#31) LZ1DX (#50, DXCC#32) and VE6TA.
13cm dish with feed and Remote amplifier

13cm Amplifier with Power supplies (28V 100A)

13cm Operating Position

Saturday 19 May 2012

May 18 EME Activity

Severe QSB on 1296MHz  but worked I1NDP for new initials on CW (#110), JT65 (#32, DXCC #16) and even SSB (#3).  It was not until after this QSO I realised that when I had changed from 13cm to 23cm I had put the 9cm preamp on the dish! Signals must have been good!

Friday 18 May 2012

May 17 EME activity

As DL1YMK was off to a rare location it was time to dust off the EME equipment.

May 17 Installed new G4DDK 1296MHz preamp and set up to listen for XX/DL1YMK. Heard nothing but echoes were good