Sunday, 13 September 2020

Housing the DB6NT 76GHz Transverter

Having also bought a DB6NT 76GHz transverter recently I decided it was time to be put in a box and join it's 47GHz cousin in the field.

It was found that the same size box as used to mount the 47GHz transverter would be suitable. However,  how to get RF signals in and out would be a challenge. After a long search a pair of 90 degree WR15 H plane bends were found on Ebay. They were similar but not identical in dimensions. These would allow the transverter to be mounted on the base of the box with the waveguide bends poking through holes in the sidewall.

The box was fitted with a an N type socket for the IF and a TNC socket for the 10MHz reference. A 3 pin XLR was used for the 12V power. A power LED,  lock LED and transmit LED were fitted

The local oscillator was mounted directly on the base of the box alongside the transvreter. As the 76GHz portion of the band used in the UK is 75976 MHz and the transverter has a 144MHz IF the local oscillator was programmed for 9479 MHz. Note that this is not an available standard frequency available in the MKU oscillator. I chose to reprogram the unit and replace the existing 9486 MHz 76 GHz LO with the 9479 MHz one.

The transverter has an RF output power Indication  which was connected up to my usual LM3914 and 10 LED bargraph indicator. Initially this was mounted inside the box on the local oscillator but it was found after its first outing to be more useful if visible from the outside ao a hole was filed and the unit mounted.

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